Aligning FBD-elements

You are able to change the alignment of several FBD-elements to each other in the →graphical FBD-editor:

  1. Select the FBD-element with the requested alignment. This is the reference element.

  2. Enhance the selection by all FBD-elements for which to change the alignment (e.g. several →value fields and/or →calls with different alignments).

  3. Open the context menu for the reference element.

  4. Select Layout and the appropriate command for the alignment. Alternative: Move the mouse cursor onto the reference element and press the appropriate keyboard shortcut.


    Keyboard shortcut

    Align Left


    Align Right


    Align Top


    Align Bottom


    Result: The alignment of the other FBD-elements will be adjusted to the one of the reference element, if there is sufficient free space. During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted
    (info) If you change the alignment by using the keyboard shortcut and the mouse cursor is not positioned on any of the selected FBD-elements, Neuron Power Engineer determines the FBD-element that has been selected at first to be the reference element.